Special Teams Can Help Score

If you use/depend on SEO to maintain and boost and boost traffic to your website you are quite aware of the dynamic nature of search engine results. Page 1 presence can disappear unexpectedly if you haven't kept up with change in ranking criteria. This can sometimes also mean previously valid methods become invalid. I treated...

Entrepreneurs Wanted

My uncle Bob (RIP) several years before he passed, began including a question/advice in his greetings and goodbyes. He may have said them even earlier and felt I was now old enough to appreciate it. The question: "Have you made any new mistakes?" The advice: "Make new mistakes!" The implied converse being: try not to...


This is the portal for strategic content consisting of articles, video and ebooks, some available for free and others modestly priced. They consist of a variety of topics in Internet Marketing: Traffic stimulation, creatively utilizing social media, and anything else that pops up on the trend line. Thanks for your patience as this is developed.

Wade In The Water

Amid the mostly rosy reports of employment numbers since the recovery of the 2008 economy crash, are persistent reports of people experiencing sudden job loss due to mergers, closures and disasters. In my opinion, more coverage is also needed for complications the (newly) unemployed face in adjusting to circumstances. One of the latest examples involves...

The Site (Road) Not Taken

For many years I've strongly advocated for having as much control over your website as possible, as evidenced by several posts in this blog. This perception has grown for the "committed technical novice" with many of the DIY products that have come along since I wrote "What A Website Can Do" in 2010. But there...

Be Careful What You CMS For

The growth of Content Management Systems has been phenomenal over the past several years for a number of reasons; one easily recognized is a need to update the business website regularly and/or quickly. User-friendliness can be objective (standard definition/best practices), yet can also be a matter of personal taste in many areas. Appealing colors, read-able...

Penguins, Pandas, and Bears, Oh My!

When I tell people about what Diverse Elements does, many anticipate that I’ll say “SEO”  quicker than a politician’s flip flop. For those who may still be uninitiated, Search Engine Optimization ultimately means getting and staying at or near the top of search results, and/or at least staying on page 1 for search engines when...

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