
This is the portal for strategic content consisting of articles, video and ebooks, some available for free and others modestly priced. They consist of a variety of topics in Internet Marketing: Traffic stimulation, creatively utilizing social media, and anything else that pops up on the trend line. Thanks for your patience as this is developed.

Personal Branding Now

Not that I've neglected it but lately I've been giving a lot more thought to personal branding where the Internet is involved. We're in a brand new age. Impressions can be formed or associations drawn just by implication. In some cases a subliminal connection might be made where there is none. So, what happened that...

Guru And My Past Have A Message

I’m beginning to think there’s no such thing as “the road not taken” because the longer you’re around the more likely you will find that road again, in one sense or another.  Several weeks ago I had a “six degrees of separation” experience that transcended any before. A friend called and asked if I would...

What’s New?

The hardest thing about learning something new might not be trying to understand it, but being receptive to the opportunity to learn it after paying so many dues for the knowledge already acquired. It’s not necessarily just an “ego thing” (or at least not to those who look for more than simplistic answers) because an...

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