Welcome to Diverse Elements

The process of reinvention is something that, by nature of the word itself, is unexpected. You start out creating or aspiring toward one thing then find you have, to some degree reassess, revamp, retool, adjust to different circumstances. Or perhaps you’re the difference. Whatever it is, it means deviating from a “familiar” path.

Some embrace it, some try to avoid it, some consciously reject it. Some see no need for it. I believe it is happening constantly on some scale just by virtue of being a cognizant being. Therefore the next preferred stage for me is not to be taken by surprise; to select how to adapt if not predetermine what leads to reinvention.

What I’m finding is that none of the composites of my self should be neglected. This doesn’t just mean gratification of wants, but of those things that round out an individual such as empathy, and knowing what and how much to give. The trick, I think at this point anyway, is to know how to be part of things without getting consumed by them.

This blog will chronicle my journey of reinvention with the intent that it will expose insights to me as well as others pioneering, by choice or circumstance, their path to fulfillment.
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